RODM – Gorzów Wielkopolski

The Regional Center for International Debate in Gorzow Wielkopolski was established as a result of the competition announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for performing a public task: “Regional Center for International Debate 2017-2018”.

The aim of the Regional Center for International Debate Network is to promote among the citizens the better understanding of the priorities of Polish foreign policy and strengthening the channels of cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, units of local authorities and, non governmental organisations, educational and scientific institutions and other actors which scope of activity encompass broadly defined international cooperation.
In pursuit of the main objective the RCID in Gorzów Wielkopolski commits to:

  • Reinforcing the channels of cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the local government and non-governmental organizations in Lubuskie voivodeship through the involvement in the cooperation of representatives of the local authorities (both on the municipal level as well as on the level of the marshal’s office).
  • Development of public debate and performance of informational and educational activities. The center will intent on reaching out the majority of dwellers through organizing once every quarter of a year events such as: conferences, seminars and debates aiming at raising public awareness and opening the debate on such issues as: the role of the local community in the process of building up the international cooperation, which is of great importance on the Polish-German borderland.
    In the realm of informational and educational activities, the RCID offers workshops organized in three main thematic areas: Polish political thought – its history and influence on the present day, Security in East-Central Europe in the context of cooperation of nations, Intercultural dialogue in relation to mutual respect and understanding.
  • Conducting educational and informational activities aimed at a wide range of region inhabitants, in order to increase the knowledge and awareness of the issues of Poland and Polish foreign policy among dwellers of Lubuskie voivodeship.
  • Promotion among the local community of the Polish political thought, focused on the issues of cooperation of nations as well as conduct of intercultural dialogue. Bringing attention to the engagement of Poland and Poles in the promotion of universal values. Promotion of the contribution of Poland in the field of assuring security in East-Central Europe as well as the achievements in fostering democracy in the context of international activity of the Polish local authorities.

    Education of the local community and broadening the awareness of the Polish contribution to heritage of the world’s humanism heritage, with the particular emphasis on key figures including: Józef Piłsudzki, Tadeusz Kościuszko, Brother Albert Chmielowski, b. Fr. Honorat Koźmiński or Józef Konrad Korzeniowski. Acquainting them with of Poland’s role in the world’s heritage of humanism, both at the level of ideas and personalities such as cardinal S. Wyszyński, Fr. J. Popiełuszko, Fr. M. Kolbe. Building up the general recognition of Poland as a country of creativity and innovation.

  • Animation of discussions on contemporary issues of international cooperation. Involving the inhabitants of the Lubuskie voivodeship into the debates on the current problems and their historical connotations. An important area of the Center’s activity is education which is addressing to both: adult inhabitants of the region as well as the younger generation that enters the field of social activities. This is a key RCID’s contribution to building a knowledge society that is open to the new challenges of the modern world.